Woodsmith engineered flooring has been designed and manufactured to the highest standards and gives the home owner a beautiful timber floor that will provide many years of service and style.
This engineered flooring product has been designed and manufactured to the highest standards and gives the home owner a beautiful timber floor that will provide many years of service and style.
To ensure this however it is critical that the following installation instructions are followed carefully.
The recommended method for the laying of this product is direct stick glue down installation.
Whether Woodsmith Engineered Flooring is being installed over a timber substrate or a concrete slab it is imperative that the correct sub floor preparations are carried out.
Timber Subfloor Preparation
Ensure the timber subfloor is dry, flat and level. When installing over yellow tongue sheeting it may be necessary to take out any high areas with a belt sander and any screw or nail heads should be driven below the surface level. Prior to installing ensure any squeaking areas are remedied and note that extra screwing down of the yellow tongue sheeting may be necessary. Any excessive gaps between yellow tongue sheets should be filled with sealant.
If installing over existing strip flooring, this product must be installed at right angles to the existing floor. If this is not aesthetically pleasing or not appropriate to do so then plywood should be first fixed down at a 45 degree angle to prevent gaping during the life of the Woodsmith Engineered Floor.
Once the timber subfloor is prepared and you are ready for installation, ensure it is clean and free of dirt and dust. Sweep thoroughly.
Concrete Subfloor Preparation
We recommend that when installing over a concrete slab subfloor that the slab must first be checked as flat and level, with any imperfections remedied by using a cement-based levelling compound floor-filler. The moisture content of the slab must be 4% or less and should be at least 60 days old.
Age resistant polyethylene membrane plastic sheets (0.2mm thickness) to provide a moisture vapour barrier are then laid over the prepared slab. Joining between the plastic sheets should have sufficient overlap and sufficiently tight joins to avoid leakage of vapour from underneath. Recommended overlaps should be at least 20cm.
6mm plywood sheets must then be laid over the plastic vapour barrier and fixed to the slab in a brickwork pattern with masonry anchors, ensuring the fixing heads are driven below the surface level of the plywood.
Note: this product is not recommended for situations where under floor heating is present.
This product is installed using the direct stick glued method. Most important is the quality of the adhesive used. Installation should be carried using a quality elastomeric adhesive such as Sikaflex or Bostik Ultraset. There is a large range of quality flooring adhesives available but lower quality, cheaper adhesives should be avoided for this application as they may harden up as they age and lose the elastomeric properties that are critical as the floor expands and contracts during its lifetime.
Flooring adhesives should be used following the manufacturers recommendations closely. Flooring adhesives should be spread using a notched trowel or as per the instructions specific to each manufacturers product.
Installing Woodsmith Engineered Floor
It is most important that the Woodsmith Engineered Flooring product be able to acclimatise to the environment that it will be installed. Ensure that the unopened packets of flooring are placed in the room they will be installed in. Do not leave in one large pack but rather break the pack down into smaller numbers of individual packets to enable air to easily circulate around the product. They should be left to acclimatise for an absolute minimum of 48 hours.
When ordering this product it will be necessary to order up to an additional 5% more product than the actual square metre requirements to allow for offcuts through docking and wastage.
Flooring should be carefully examined for finish and overall quality prior to and during the installation process. The installer must exercise good judgement and common sense in arranging boards to be installed for best aesthetic appearance during the installation.
Boards that may be darker or have a natural characteristic that may be unsuitable for example in a wide open area of the floor should instead be considered for installation inside a cupboard or another out of the way area. While boards of this nature may be few, it is good practice to pay close attention and identify boards that suit a given area of floor space.
As timber is a natural material created by nature, some colour variation is to be expected and is therefore within grade.
Final grade, manufacturing and finish quality checks are the sole responsibility of the installer and if any boards are found to be defective, the installer must contact the supplier immediately. Once installed, the floor is considered as having been accepted by the installer and owner.
After removing all skirtings, installation can begin ensuring that a 10mm expansion gap is established along the longest wall where the first row of boards will be laid. This is done using blocks or wedges to create a straight line approx.10mm from the wall.
Ensure that the first row of boards are adequately supported by the blocks or wedges as it is important that this first row is straight and true. Begin installing with the groove side of the first board towards the wall. To join the boards together, a small wooden block and a rubber mallet may be used to gently knock the joints of the boards home, however do not use excessive force against the tongue of the boards as this may result in damage to the tongue making it very difficult to fit the next board.
When installing the boards it is recommended that a minimum distance of 300mm is maintained from one head-joint to the joint in the next row of boards for best aesthetic appearance.
Any adhesive that may squeeze up through joints should be wiped off immediately with a damp cloth.
When installing this product in large areas, consideration should be given to expansion joints. In general terms, when installing flooring in a room more than 6 metres wide an expansion joint may be necessary. When installing this product into adjoining rooms an expansion joint should be provided at the entrance to each room. When all installation has been completed all expansion joints may be filled with silicone free sealant or with a profiled insert designed for this purpose.
When installation of all boards is complete, expansion gaps blocks or wedges can be removed from around the perimeter of the room and all skirtings can be fixed back into place.
Peace of mind is standard with every Woodsmith floor.

Warranty Information
Lifetime Structural Warranty
Woodsmith Engineered Flooring warrants that, under normal residential conditions and with proper maintenance, our products will be free of structural defects such as delamination, twisting and deformation.
This warranty does not cover surface wear.
Woodsmith Engineered Flooring 25 Year Warranty on Wear Layer
Woodsmith Engineered Flooring offers a 25 year warranty on timber face wear layer.
The water based UV oil coating on the flooring is not covered under these warranties.
It is mandatory that you look after it as you would with any other regular oil finishing product available on the market. It requires regular refinishing at stipulated times according to the Woodsmith Engineered Flooring installation instructions or as and when the UV Oil finished surface becomes dull and faded.
These warranties are offered under the following conditions:
Installation: Woodsmith Engineered Flooring is to be installed in strict accordance with the current written installation instructions.
Wet Areas: Woodsmith Engineered Flooring is not to be installed in bathrooms, saunas, laundries or any other area in which high levels of steam and or moisture is present.
Maintenance: Woodsmith Engineered Flooring should be maintained in strict accordance with our current written maintenance instructions. Use of cleaning agents such as oils, ammonia-based cleaning liquids, steam mops, etc, will void warranties.
The structural and wear warranties for Woodsmith Engineered Flooring as stated above are limited to the original purchaser and may not be assigned or transferred. In the case where a builder has made the purchase, this warranty is limited to the owner of the floor one year after practical completion of works.
Structural and wear warranties are subject to the condition that the flooring is suitable for indoor areas and is to be installed and used in accordance with Woodsmith Engineered Flooring installation instructions and maintenance instructions.
Limited Warranty
Exclusions to warranty
The following are excluded from these warranties.
Colour Variation and Natural Characteristic: Timber is a natural product and colour variation will occur. Samples, pictures and brochures displayed and or provided are indicative only and may not exactly match the floor installed.
Other variations may also occur such as small knots, grain variations, gum/sap marks and mineral marks. All variations are normal and not considered defects; therefore do not form part of these warranties.
Improper Installation: Woodsmith Engineered Flooring is to be installed in strict accordance with the current written installation instructions. Improper installations shall void all warranties.
It is the sole responsibility of the installer not to install any material thought to be defective. No claim will be recognised for any materials installed, which has visible defects or damage prior to installation of boards. We will not be responsible for damages due to poor installation, transportation or storage. All products must be stored indoors at room temperature and protected from the elements.
Subfloor/Under Floor Heating: Woodsmith Engineered Flooring is not suitable for use over under floor heating systems and no warranty claims regarding its use over such systems will be recognised.
Improper Maintenance: Woodsmith Engineered Flooring should be maintained in strict accordance with the Woodsmith Engineered Flooring maintenance instructions. Use of unauthorised cleaning products and agents such as oils, ammonia-based cleaning liquids, steam mops etc, will void all warranties.
Tips for laying your timber floor
Follow laying instructions provided diligently and carefully for best results.
Wood is a natural product with natural variations of colour, grains and characteristics; this must be expected from the species and products that you have chosen. Please ask for further explanation from your sales assistant.
Unopened packs of Woodsmith Engineered Flooring must be left in the room to be installed for at least 48 hours prior to installation to help acclimatise and stabilise the flooring. This will ensure the limiting of bowing.
When laying Woodsmith Engineered Flooring over a concrete subfloor it is most important that all steps are taken to limit as much as possible the transfer of moisture from the concrete slab to the flooring product. The recommended method of laying this product over a concrete slab is to firstly lay down a plastic moisture vapour barrier followed by plywood sheets laid at a 45 degree angle to the engineered flooring product. Particular care must be taken when installing over a green slab. Any concrete slab should be level and flat or should be made suitable prior to installation of Woodsmith Engineered Flooring by using an appropriate levelling compound product. Any warranty claims as a result of incorrect installation over a concrete slab will not be recognised.
When installing over a timber subfloor ensure that it is completely flat prior to installation. If there are any irregular heights on the subfloor, it is possible that slight creaking might occur (Creaking is not a fault but is quite irritating).
Wood is a hygroscopic material that swells if the surrounding moisture or humidity rises, and shrinks when moisture or humidity is lowered. This is to be expected as a timber floor is a natural product, but when excessive, can also lead to some irreversible deformation of the floor if the room climate and humidity is left too high or too low for an extended period of time. This can particularly happen if for example during Winter months the relative humidity (RH) in a heated room goes below the specified 45%. In this case, you should install an Air Humidifier in order to prevent damages to your floor. The same may also be necessary with an air conditioned room.
Please be advised: Due to the nature of the following timber species, we STRONGLY ADVISE these species NOT be used as flooring with under-floor heating. These species include: Kempas, Maple, Jatoba, Iroko, Beech, and Australian timber (Jarrah, Sydney Bluegum, Blackbutt, Tasmanian Oak, Spotted Gum). Any warranty claims arising from using the above species on under-floor heating will not be recognised.
Maintenance Tips
Below is a simple list of maintenance tips that should be observed throughout the life of your engineered timber floor.
Our timber surface layer is protected by 5 tough but flexible layers of water based UV oil. To keep your floor looking like the first day it was laid, strictly follow the guidelines below.
You must:
Use Grit Removal Mats at all external doors.
Use Wear Mats at heavy traffic areas such as Main entrance, Dining area, etc. Do not use mats with rubber base as it may leach and stick onto timber flooring.
The best way to keep your floor clean is to either sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any loose grit or dirt. Ensure that the vacuum suction head has felt strips to avoid scratching the floor. You may then use static mops daily to get rid of dust layer on the floor.
Do not use thinner or solvent liquid to clean parquet flooring.
Periodically (fortnightly or at least monthly) clean the floor using Bona wood floor cleaning products. Carefully read and follow directions on the product. For more information on how to care for your floor with Bona products, please go to www.bona.com.au
Never wet mop the floor. If you must use a mop to clean the floor, ensure the mop is well wrung to remove all the moisture. The mop must be dry enough that the moisture on the floor should be able to evaporate in a minute of mopping and no free water must be visible on the surface of the floor.
Never use steam mops to clean your timber flooring it will severely damage the coating and floor.
If there is a spill, immediately soak up the spilled liquid with absorbent paper towels, and dry it. Do not allow the liquid to pool and seep into the joints of the flooring.
For spot cleaning and general cleaning avoid using normal household cleaning products or scouring pads. These damage the floor surface.
Felt pads should be placed under all furniture to avoid scratching the timber floor. Refrain from sliding or rolling any furniture or appliances across timber floor as it may scratch and damage the surface. If a trolley is used to move furniture, line the floor with protective material along the trolley path.
If shoes are worn indoors, be aware that spiked heals or shoes with damaged soles can cause severe damage to the timber flooring. You may want to place runner mats or rugs along high traffic areas.
Carpets or floor covering mats should not be placed immediately on to the timber flooring. Timber flooring will change over time and equalises to its surroundings. Allow approximately 8 to 12 weeks after installation before any carpets are placed to avoid colour differentiation.
If you have animals indoors, ensure that their nails are properly trimmed and that any urination or defecation is promptly cleaned and area immediately dried.
If you have installed timber flooring with prefinished UV Oiled surface, it is best to regularly (every 3 to 6 months or as and when you feel the surface has lost its lustre) recoat the surface with Bona refinishing oil. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and again make sure the product is tested on a small area in a hidden corner.
Ensure that your flooring is not exposed to excessive direct sunlight, as UV light will cause some timber to change colour. Place sheers or thin curtains to diffuse the UV rays.
Every effort should be made to maintain a relative humidity level of 30% to 65% in all rooms where engineered timber flooring has been laid. This way the engineered floor is kept in an ideal environment to reduce the possibility of excessive movement or performance issues. If you live in a dry climate, increase the relative humidity by adding a humidifier in the area or potted indoor plants. If you live in a wet climate a dehumidifier works best.
Timber is natural material, which will continue to ‘breathe’ throughout its life by absorbing and releasing moisture from the surrounding environment.
As a result of the above, some movement and change in the surface timber will occur. This is NORMAL and may include checking or fine cracks on and between boards. This movement can be kept to a minimum by avoiding extremes in temperature and humidity.
Your factory prefinished timber flooring was designed and produced to provide you with a beautiful floor with the least amount of maintenance. It can be walked on almost immediately after installation. If due care and maintenance is followed, your chosen timber flooring will last a very long time and will continue to be as beautiful as the first day it was installed.
Here are some simple guidelines for successfully laying and caring for timber floors.
All coated Woodsmith Engineered Flooring Products are finished using the industry leading Bona Naturale UV system.
Bona Naturale UV is the next generation of timber floor finishes and provides a natural looking and feeling alternative to traditional floor treatments such as polyurethane or waxes. This exceptional product has captured the imaginations of architects, designers and design-conscious home owners worldwide.
What is so special about Woodsmith engineered floors treated with Bona Naturale is that it preserves the true nature of the timber floor while giving it durable protection against scratches and stains. It provides virtually maintenance free protection on par with traditional high end finishes, while keeping the natural look and feel to the floor that was previously only possible with oil or wax. Bona Naturale UV is almost VOC free, making it completely safe for young children.
Spot repairs are also possible with Bona Naturale UV, enabling you to deal swiftly and efficiently with any minor damage or scratches throughout the life of the floor.
Bona Naturale UV.
A UV finish that provides a natural look & feel.
Appeals to style conscious home owners.
Provides full wear, scratch and chemical resistant properties.
Has very low maintenance requirements.
Ultra low VOCs.
Allows for seamless spot repairs.
For more information on Bona Naturale please visit bona.com